A Friend on the Camino

a helping hand on the camino frances

How to avoid being the “albergue asshole”

by | Mar 3, 2018 | albergues, Thoughts

Here’s my top ten list of things to NOT do in an albergue – I have seen ALL of these things happen.

  1. Do not wake up snorers and tell them they are snoring. They know already. Get (better) earplugs.
  2. Do not use a headlamp on any setting (other than red) inside an albergue. Even on a “low” setting they are crazy bright).
  3. Do not set a sound alarm for any time earlier than 7:30. Set your phone to vibrate if you want to wake up early.
  4. Do not use rustling plastic bags to pack all your stuff in. It’s annoyingly loud.
  5. Do not get up at 5am and start packing your bag and talking to people in the room. If you have to get up really early, pack as much of your bag as you can before bed and just grab your sleeping bag and get out of the room to pack everything back up properly.
  6. Do not make lots of noise late at night if you decide to stay up a little later some nights.
  7. Do not put your dirty bag on your bed (your bag may well have bed bugs).
  8. Do not get drunk and puke on the person in the bunk below you.
  9. Do not snort snot out of your nose into the communally shared sink.
  10. Do not get naked and spread your legs wide while sitting on your bottom bunk (in fact, guys especially, please do not manspread if you are wearing anything less than long shorts). Albergues are shared public spaces please so not use your body to dominate them.

Remember too when you get annoyed at other people that there is almost certainly something you do that annoys someone else. None of us is perfect. Part of the Camino experience is learning to gracefully accept other people’s foibles.

a friend on the camino

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